Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ad Industry Bans Targeting People with Cancer

Read the following article: Ad Industry Bans Targeting People With Cancer; Ads to Widows and Orphans Allowed
Post your answers by Wednesday, March 25th at 12pm (noon).
1. Research and describe "behavioral targeting". Does behavioral targeted cross any ethical lines or is this simply smart strategy for advertisers and their clients? Provide a case for your position.
2. Research and describe the FTC's position on behavioral targeting.
3. Even though there will be topics that consumers find particularly objectionable, why does the advertising industry continue to target these groups?
4. Who should decide what consumers find particularly objectionable - consumer groups, regulatory agencies, advertising executives - who?


  1. 1. Behavioral Targeting is "an advertising methodology in which an advertiser’s creative is shown to users based on the sites they visit and/or what the user does on those sites." there are 3 types of behavioral targeting: website/web page visited, keyword searched or content that was read, past visitors to your website.

    Behavioral Targeting does not cross an ethical line, however, it is an invasion of privacy by collecting data that we can't see happening when surfing the web. This is just a smart strategy for advertisers because it is just keeping tabs on what people do online and the information that is gathered is always useful. Consumers time online is valuable. We want to sell or obtain their interest for a length of time with every second they are on a web page. this lets us as advertisers know what is keeping our online tracking a success and what needs to be worked on. In the end it boils down to money and time and both must be use to its fullest potential.

    2. From the FTC website. (

    Proposed by the FTC:

    **Every Web site where data is collected for behavioral advertising should provide a clear, consumer-friendly, and prominent statement that data is being collected to provide ads targeted to the consumer and give consumers the ability to choose whether or not to have their information collected for such purpose.

    **Any company that collects or stores consumer data for behavioral advertising should provide reasonable security for that data and should retain data only as long as is necessary to fulfill a legitimate business or law enforcement need.

    **Companies should obtain affirmative express consent from affected consumers before using data in a manner materially different from promises the company made when it collected the data.

    **Companies should only collect sensitive data for behavioral advertising if they obtain affirmative express consent from the consumer to receive such advertising.

    **FTC staff also seeks comment on what constitutes “sensitive data” and whether the use of sensitive data should be prohibited, rather than subject to consumer choice.

    "Because online advertising supports free Web content and other benefits, the choice by consumers not to participate in behavioral advertising could reduce the availability of these benefits"

    "The Commission vote approving issuance of the principles was 5-0."

    overall the consumer should know their information is being collected and they have a choice to release such information and know what it will be used or not used for.

    3. Not everybody will agree with the various forms of advertisements. we cannot please everybody. if the majority outweighs the minority, therefore it isn't a "big deal," however, if an ethical line is crossed then investigation and perhaps an updated regulations of what is allowed and what is not permitted would need to be addressed. It is how us advertisers do business. we target certain people because it is they who are affected the most by the advertising and will continue to be affected the most. but the ethical line of what is actually acceptable as a form of advertising is still a sensitive issue. what makes one disease worthy or bombardment of ads and the other forms of disease to sensitive to bother with all forms of advertisements? we are just not sure since it can be ok one day and be insensitive the next.

    4. All three groups of people should have a say in and what is consider objectionable. Consumers will always have the first say because it is they we are targeting. however, consumers can find anything objective. regulatory agencies should check any forms of advertisement that might be considered offensive or unethical. they are the first line of defense. Advertising executives should have a standard for their companies in who they represent and what they promote. these guidelines should be followed in ordered to produce effective advertising the first time.

  2. 1. Behavioral Targeting allows the advertiser to measure the success of a product or campaign through the consumer's activity online. Some people find this type of activity tracking invasive and therefore ethically wrong. This is an easy cost effective way for advertisers to measure consumer response.

  3. 2. Data on consumers must be retained only long enough to gain necessary information. Consumer must be able to choose weather or not their information is gathered.The consumer should also know what the collected data is being used for.

  4. 3. Advertisers continue to target these groups because it is a potentially money making market. The ethical issue is weather the market of the diseased or sick should be left alone. Regulatory bodies such as the FTC must also decide if some sicknesses can be advertised on and which ones can not. The severity of the disease should hold no baring on weather they can advertise on it or not.either way, a vulnerable set of people are being advertised to. Advertisers need to look at the group for what it is rather than another untapped market segment.

  5. 4. we can not leave this decision to the advertisers, as we have seen how their motives are often skewed. The decision should be left up to consumers and the regulatory bodies. Consumer's opinions must be taken into consideration at all times. They are ultimately the ones that are effected. The regulatory bodies must enforce the laws and regulations to be the voice of the consumers.
