Friday, April 3, 2009

AT&T Ads Address Economic Gloom

Read the following article: AT&T Ads Address Economic Gloom

Post your answers by Wed. April 8th at 12pm (noon).
1. Are the AT&T ads about its association with the Great Depression and its "share your story" link designed to boost its company image, or is it trying to genuinely be there for people in their time of economic need?
2. Is AT&T taking advantage of consumers economic disparity with this ad campaign, or it is simply tapping into the feel of the nation?
3. Is this an example of targeted advertising, or simply smart strategy? Why or why not?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Let's Talk Ethics at 11am!

Let's get our Ethics brain working this morning by reading the following article on Spirit Airlines' controversial advertising campaign. When you have finished the article, return to the blog and answer the following question.
If consumers hadn't complained regarding the ad campaign, but employees were, which group is more important to the company? And what should Spirit Airlines do to make its employees, its biggest brand ambassadors, satisfied?