Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ad Industry Bans Targeting People with Cancer

Read the following article: Ad Industry Bans Targeting People With Cancer; Ads to Widows and Orphans Allowed
Post your answers by Wednesday, March 25th at 12pm (noon).
1. Research and describe "behavioral targeting". Does behavioral targeted cross any ethical lines or is this simply smart strategy for advertisers and their clients? Provide a case for your position.
2. Research and describe the FTC's position on behavioral targeting.
3. Even though there will be topics that consumers find particularly objectionable, why does the advertising industry continue to target these groups?
4. Who should decide what consumers find particularly objectionable - consumer groups, regulatory agencies, advertising executives - who?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let's Talk Ethics at 11am!

A luxury fashion designer’s most recent ad campaign is striking a nerve! The ad features a woman in a sexual pose wearing only a diamond necklace. The ad campaign was placed in women’s fashion magazines and on billboards. The ad received only three complaints from the magazine but hundreds from the billboards, citing offensive, degrading to women and unsuitable for a public space. The fashion designer claimed the ad is a work of art, and not meant to be offensive to women.

What was the core of the issue – the image of the woman in the ad OR the placement of the ad in magazines and billboards?