Friday, January 30, 2009

Domino's, Subway Battle Heats Up

Read the following article: Domino's, Subway Battle Heats Up

To view the commercial, visit:

Post your answers by Wednesday, February 4th at 12pm.

1. When Domino's president set fire to the cease and desist letter from Subway on national TV, was this simply a publicity stunt or did Domino's have an ethical obligation to defend its taste test results?
2. Subway has objections to the manner in which the taste test was conducted. In you opinion, based on Subway's objections, was the taste test ethical or did Domino's fudge the facts to get the results they wanted?
3. Both Domino's and Subway are getting publicity from this fight. Is the attention and increased business both companies get from such publicity ethical? Why or why not?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday Ethics Talk @ 11am

Welcome to our first online Advertising Ethics discussion of the semester!

To get started, read the following Ethical Dilemma and provide your ethical input...

Bradley has just graduated with degree in Advertising and has been hired as an account manager at a large advertising agency. In talking with some of his new colleagues, he heard of a practice that concerned him.

Several account managers had an assignment to do some research on the competitor of one of the agency’s major clients. The account managers decided to conduct a telephone survey, but when they identified themselves as agency employees, important sources refused to participate in the study.

The deadline was quickly approaching, and the managers desperately needed the information. Then one of the managers, who had also recently graduated from university, suggested that they identify themselves as “university students who were doing research for a class project.”

This approach worked like a charm. Everyone was willing to help the “students” out, and the agency secured the important competitive information that it needed. The research was finished on time and within the budgeted cost. The client was immensely pleased.

Bradley is concerned about the manner in which the managers deceived the respondents, but he thinks that this might just be part of doing business. In addition, as the newest account manager, he does not want to rock the boat, and he very much wants to win the respect and acceptance of his new co-workers.

Do you consider the account managers behavior to be ethical or unethical?