Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Let's Talk Ethics at 11am!

Turn to page 110 in your Ethics textbook and read case studies 9D and 9E. When you have finished, return to the blog and write down everything you know on the following subject: ethics + social responsibility. For example, how can ethics and social responsibility be smoothly integrated into an advertising campaign?

NOTE: Your write up will count toward case study participation points so please put time, thought and effort into your response.


  1. Ethics and social responsibility are more easily integrated to day than ever before. Todays consumer largely cared about social responsibility and want their companies of choice to be aligned with good social causes. This makes it especially easy for companies to kill three birds with one stone. They can do good social causes that benefit society, meet consumer demands and enhance their company image and P.R. at the same time. The popularity in social responsibility also creates a unique opportunity for the average company to communicate a good cause message to the consumer. Instead of these messages coming from an expected source such as a non-profit like Susan G. Comen these messages may come from Kellogs or Star Bucks. The message has the opportunity to be even more impactful and well received when coming from an unexpected source.

  2. Good answer. In a world that is increasingly becoming more ethically aware, where does ethical advertising fit in?

  3. Social responsibility also applies to the advertiser. We as professional advertisers have a social responsibility in our ads to be truthful with content, not to mislead the public or support stereo types or any other notions and ideas that may be harmful to society.

  4. Very true. Also, ethical advertising just makes good business sense. Consumers may “punish” unethical businesses by ceasing to purchase their products/services, or may use social media networks to spread the word against a certain business or brand.

  5. Your textbook cites that the best form of ethical compliance is one that is based on self-regulation. Do you agree/disagree with this statement? Why or why not?

  6. Yes, I do agree. Self regulation must be enforced if all ethical standards are to adressed. The FTC and other governing organizations are often not aware of unethical issues until they are complained about or brought to their attention. Also I have learned that the process used by such governing agencies is inadequate at times. Self regulation is the mark of a responsible and professional company. Todays consumer can see and will look for this. Self regulation. in my opinion will enhance the longevity of a company as well.

  7. Great response, Correne.

    My two cents: On the personal side, one is responsible for his/her actions. On the professional side, ethics becomes a shared responsibility; shared by each employee, student, manager and citizen of the world.

    The individual good and the collective good are linked.

  8. Advertising will often combine persuasion with information. Typically, not an ethical problem. Yet when information is minimal and persuasion is at the forefront, what is the ethical issue?

  9. The issue is immersive advertising- when a consumer can not tell the difference between content(information) and advertising than the ads are "inducing" the consumer to make a decision based on persuasion and not information.

  10. Great! Any advertising strategies that give preference to persuasion over information, such as in using stereotypes, or by presenting persuasion tactics disguised as information have the potential to mislead consumers.

  11. For the next 10 or so minutes, write down the various ethical issues you learned about this semester. Include in your answer the following ideas:

    - How has your definition of “advertising ethics” changed from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester? What was it before, and what is it now?
    - Which ethical issue(s) had the most impact on you, personally or professionally? Why?
    - What ethical issue(s) will you be able to utilize in your professional life upon entering the work world?
    - How do you look at advertising and campaigns differently now that you are well-versed in ethical issues?
    - What is one of the many AAF ethical guidelines that have stood out for you (or that you remember the most)? Why?

  12. - the most that has changed for me over the semester would be the extent and complexity of different ethical issues. Before I thought unethical advertising was advertising false information. Now I know there are a multitude of areas like vulnerable populations, stereo typing, privacy issues and consumer consent, social responsibility and all the laws and regulations about these issues.
    - the most impactful ethical issue would be vulnerable populations vulnerable populations. this had an impact on me because I was previously unaware of the many companies that push this boundries and test the limits of advertising in this ares. For example the "Closed Circuit programing that advertised to the sick in the hospital and the companies who take advantage of much needed medications by monopolizing and raising the price. This information had motivated me to work in the area of Public Service Campaigns or possibly work for a regulatory agency such as the FTC.
    - I will be able to utilize self regulation where ever I work even if it does not apply to the company and I will be able to utilize information on stereotyping in my ads to be always socially sensitive and responsible.
    - I see companies in a more negative light. I had no idea the limits that would be pushed for financial gain. Foe example something as simple as Flogs. Companies will endanger their reputation for a petty lie. this is surprising and a level I will never stoop to.
    -Id have to say Truth in advertising- this concept is the basic and simple umbrella concept that can be applied to all situations in advertising. We must always enact truth in advertising and have good intent from the beginning. If not we sacrifice too much. The company reputation, our position, the good of the public and the future of the company.

  13. Great recap Correne. You sound as though you've learned a lot of adv. ethics.

    We'll wrap up class a little early today.

    Posted on the blog right now are details regarding the Final Ethics Project. Note the area highlighted in red. I'll post details about that later today!!

    In the meantime, please contact me should you have any questions.
