Thursday, April 16, 2009

What We Should Learn from Sony's Fake Blog Fiasco

Read article: What We Should Learn from Sony's Fake Blog Fiasco

Post your answers by Wednesday, April 22nd at noon (12pm).
1. There are implications, positive and negative, for advertisers whenever they engage in communication with their target audience. Discuss the ethical issues that must be considered when using the following modes of communication: word-of-mouth (WOM), blogs, and postings on social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter.
2. Based on your exposure to advertising thus far in your academic studies, what other "lessons learned" would you add to the list when it comes to communicating with your audience.

1 comment:

  1. 1. the issue at hand isn't how the advertising is being projected or sold, it is when the advertising isn't genuine or is a disguise to trick people into thinking and feeling a certain way. consumers are smarter than we take them credit for and the reputation for the company is always at stake when a falsified image is presented.

    WOM is probably the least dangerous or controversial way of advertising because it is solely based on communication with another person and having them either be hooked or have them promote the sale as well. the ethical issue is the personal relationship that is formed when communication is formed. we are taking peoples words for it because its all they got.

    blogs, just like wom is something we are taking personally. even if the comments being posted or the blog itself was suppose to be something personal, it can still be misleading because we are taking their word for it. its personal and when it gets personal our emotions are tied into it.

    socail networking sites is more personal because of the world we live in and how it is connected online. we befriend people because we either know them. would like to know them, or find them interseting. what they post and say must be worth while because the world online is like the world in person but done digitally and can be forwarded and posted over and over again. if there was a survey or joke that eventually says "if you don't not repost this or resend this to 10 people you will have a bad day" some people might do it for the heck of it. it is manipulative.

    2. our audience are smart and unpredictable. not everyone is the same so the same advertising will not always gain all our target market. we have to be up on the trends and always be a step ahead of our consumers and keep it simple, keep it true, make it memorable, and finally try and gain the sale. it boils down to money and being reliable.
